Name Size
Parent Directory -
2013-03-13-Stanford Cue Centered Treatment Protocol.pdf 443K
2013-04-04-Motivational Interviewing Basics by Fly.pdf 924K
2013-06-13-Career-College Day Review.pdf 2.0M
2013-10-10-Adolescent Behavioral Health Project.pdf 169K
2013-11-15-Early Learning Services presentation.pdf 1.3M
2014-01-09-Click Relationship Building.pdf 1.8M
2014-06-12-ArtofYogaProject.pdf 434K
2014-06-12-Intergenerational program presentation.pdf 93K
2014-09-11View teen center Presentation.pdf 1.1M
2014-10-08-Enterprise Leadership Conference.pdf 88K
2014-10-08-link for Stanford Pediatric Weight Control Program.pdf 88K
2014-10-09-Intergenerationalprogramsurvey.pdf 292K
2014-10-09-Stanfordchildrenshealth-pediatricweightcontrolprogram.pdf 588K
2014-11-13-Trafficking Presentation.pdf 907K
2014-12-11-Ten Steps to a Healthier You.pdf 634K
2015-01-08-Childrennow.pdf 2.0M
2015-02-12-CenterforEarlyLearning.pdf 2.6M
2015-03-12-CCSS and SVCCI presentation.pdf 718K
2015-03-12-kidsincommon-childrens agenda.pdf 905K
2015-04-02-Beyond the bell presentation.pdf 164K
2015-04-02-Design_Code_Build.pdf 90K
2015-04-02-MVSummer Programs.mp4 4.4M
2015-06-11-Alearn Presentation.pdf 2.2M
2015-09-10-AcknowledgeAlliance.pdf 384K
2015-09-10-SummerLearningInitiative.pdf 262K
2015-09-10-TeachingHappinessThroughEmontionalIntelligence-PositivePsychology.pdf 3.0M
2015-10-08-Project Cornerstone.pdf 1.1M
2015-10-08-SummerLearningInitiatve-Update.pdf 315K
2015-10-08-Violence Prevention.pdf 500K
2015-11-12-Opportunity Youth Partnership.pdf 757K
2015-12-10-HeathlierKidsFoundation.pdf 2.0M
2016-01-14-CHAC family resource centers.pdf 1.1M
2016-01-14-MVWSD Summer Programs.pdf 505K
2016-01-14-youth and E-cigs.pdf 1.9M
2016-02-11-Mental Health Subcommittee of SELPA 1.pdf 1.2M
2016-03-10-Strong Start Initiative.pdf 583K
2016-04-07-HealthyKids.pdf 1.2M
2016-04-07-Technology and Educational Possibilities.pdf 2.2M
2016-06-09-HKF 10 Steps to Healthier You.pdf 938K
2016-06-09-SummerLearningInitiative Report.pdf 362K
2016-06-09-iCanHelpline.pdf 1.2M
2017-01-12-Crisis Text Line.pdf 247K
2017-01-12-Well Within-CHAC.pdf 784K
2017-03-09-Children'sAgendaDataBook.pdf 167K
2017-03-09-StrongStartUpdate.pdf 769K
2017-04-06-Project Cornerstone Santa Clara County Asset Survey.pdf 1.0M
2017-10-12-Social Media-video.mp4 15M
2017-10-12-Social Media.pdf 3.5M
2017-10-12-cybersecurity forms.pdf 3.9M
2017-11-09-SV Education Foundation Overview.pdf 3.9M
2018-01-14-Child Health Assessment.pdf 1.1M
2019-02-14-CHAC.pdf 1.4M
2019-03-14-CSA-Homeless Services Presentation.pdf 879K
2019-03-14-MVWSD Homeless informatio.pdf 115K
2019-06-13-Juvenile Justice.pdf 199K
2019-06-13-Santa Clara School Readiness 2018-19 Summary.pdf 1.4M
2019-06-13-Santa Clara School Readiness presentation.pdf 1.2M
2019-09-05-Cannabis And The Adolescent Brain.pdf 385K
2019-09-05-Teenage brain.pdf 915K
2019-10-10-Improving Life Outcomes And Reducing Institutional Harm For Youth.pdf 2.4M
2019-11-14-Preventing Yout Suicides.pdf 2.4M
2019-12-12-Census 2020 info.pdf 386K
2020-01-09-Vaping Phenomenon.pdf 7.3M
2020-02-13-Virtual PrEP Program.pdf 773K
2020-10-07-School Push-Out & Racial Inequity.pdf 445K
2020-11-12-HEAT Framework for Activating Kindness.pdf 4.2M
2020-11-12-MV City Manager Kimbra McCarthy Presentation.pdf 3.5M
2020-12-10-DeAnza Update.pdf 893K
2020-12-10-Foothill Update.pdf 598K
2020-12-10-Foothill-DeAnza COmmunity College District Update.pdf 2.3M
2020-12-10-MVLA Update.pdf 3.9M
2021-02-11-Chat summary of resource links.pdf 75K
2021-02-11-Homeless - Unstably Housed Initiatives Overview_Feb 2021_v3_final.pdf 2.1M
2021-02-11-Homeless Services by Tom Myers of CSA.pdf 361K
2021-02-11-MV Homelessness by Consuelo Hernandez.pdf 3.1M
2021-02-11-Supportive Housing Dash Board Report Feb. 2021.pdf 703K
2021-04-15-Children Now 2021 Scorecard.pdf 1.8M
2021-04-15-SCC 2021 Childrens Data Book.pdf 912K
2021-10-14 -allcove also brochure.pdf 12M
2021-10-14- Behavioral Health Services.pdf 371K
2021-10-14- Uplift school based counseling services.pdf 216K
2021-11-18 E3 presentation.pdf 11M
2021-11-18- LAPD Presentation.pdf 1.4M
2021-12-09-Healthier Kids Foundation Update.pdf 1.3M
2021-12-09-Kids in Common-Children Agenda.pdf 933K
2022-04-07 E3 Service Projects.pdf 6.0M
2022-10-13 Social Media Safety.pdf 13M
2022-12-08-SCC Childrens Data Book.pdf 1.3M
2023-01-12-notes on wellness discussion.pdf 108K
2023-01-12-recording wellness discussion.pdf 174K
2023-02-08-recording wellness discussion.pdf 189K
2023-08-03 New MVWSD leadership presented.pdf 1.7M
2023-11-09 MVLA Challenge Team Outline.pdf 74K
2023-11-09- Social Media-MVLA students.pdf 492K
2023-11-09-Social Media Awareness -Cottrell.pdf 675K
2023-12-14- Mental Health - Wellness Education for Neurodiverse.pdf 15M
2024-01-18-Teen covert abuse.pdf 7.8M
2024-02-08- Children Now.pdf 3.5M
2024-03-14- Foothill DeAnza by chancellor.pdf 730K
2024-03-14- Intoxicating Hemp Products.pdf 4.7M
2024-04-03-Tobacco and Substance abuse resources.pdf 74K
2024-08-01 - MVPD update.pdf 2.3M
2024-08-01- Finding Kids.pdf 1.7M
2024-08-01- Special Operations Finding Kids.pdf 1.7M
2024-09-05 LASD Welcome.pdf 1.0M
2024-09-05- New MVWSD leadership.pdf 734K
2024-10-10 Applied Wisdom-presentation.pdf 1.2M
2024-10-10 Mark Berman.pdf 2.0M
2024-10-10-Pacific Clinics presentation.pdf 937K
2024-11-14-Peer Counseling.pdf 553K
2024-11-14-foothill-college.pdf 1.0M
2024-12-12- CSA Homeless Services.pdf 5.6M
2024-12-12-Youth Homelessness_CMV Homeless Initatives.pdf 4.0M
2025-01-09 AI and Privacy.pdf 5.3M
2025-01-09 Foothill-De_Anza_CCD-Vision.pdf 62K
ACT 2-SD (480p).m4v 21M
The Big Idea in 4 Minutes - Coming of Age In Aging America.mp4 45M