

Partnership Programs to Build A Stronger Community

Challenge team members meet each month to discuss the challenges facing youth and families in our community.  Together we look for creative and compassionate methods to bring positive influences into the lives of youth and to guide them away from the damaging influences of gangs and drugs.   The Challenge Team supports programs and services that provide young people with positive peer interactions and opportunities to gain necessary life skills that promote social and emotional wellbeing during a pivotal time in their lives.  

Example programs and services include:

-- Support for summer sports camps, school break activities, teacher education, parent organizations and community service activities that promote positive behavioral outcomes for youth.

-- Partner organizations provide mentors, counseling and physical education for students. 

-- Summer nutrition programs have provided breakfast and lunch to local families who otherwise would have gone underfed. Our cross promotion amongst Challenge Team organizations ensures that families know about the program.

-- Gang awareness parent education symposiums helps parents prevent their students from falling into a gang lifestyle.

-- Police Activity League trips, sporting and training events and other activities that foster healthy relationships with schools, students and law enforcement personnel.

-- Volunteer support for Cops that Care (Christmas toy give away) and Cops and Gobblers (Thanksgiving food baskets) and non-profits.